Today's thought revolves around the idea that I become what I am defined by. Another way to say this would be “the more defined, I become.“

Let's focus on the “more defined” part:

  • How we express ourselves exposes our true nature.

  • Be thoughtful in your expressions.

My journey into the studies of core values has empowered this understanding about the imperative requirement of an individual to be able to define who they are, so that they may better understand how and who they truly are. 

  • How can a man know happiness if he does not know how to express his own authentic form of elation? 

All of creation is “simply” man's understanding of it. As we focus on the truth that the external is a representation of the internal, then the argument stands that in order for a man to know happiness, he must BE happiness. He must define himself as such by way of his thoughts and actions. The utility of one's core values expresses the practicality of their true nature. 

With that said, understanding your Core Values is like understanding your personal definition. When you can define who you truly are, you can better focus on expressing yourself authentically. 

  • Living authentically improves your capacity to expose your life's purpose

  • Your Core Values define who you are

  • Use your Values as a guide stone for your own “becoming”

  • Verbalize your Values daily, act on them

You will become what you say you are. Speak life into defining who you authentically are.


Hold Yourself Accountable